how to remotely move a file ??? that mean how to move a file one machine to another machine ???
10 16497Post New Unix Commands Questions
What will the following command do?
What is the use of the tee command?
What is $0 bash?
Using unix command how to display no of records in oracle?
How do I search for a file in unix command?
What is ctrl d?
What is the command to compare two files in unix?
What do chmod, chown, chgrp commands do?
Write a command that will display files in the current directory, in a colored, long format.
Which command is used to restrict incoming messages?
What happens when we execute a unix command?
What does the “echo” command do?
How do I search for text in vi?
What does this command do,"$more readme.txt“?
When i run a programm of orphan process. Instead of getting child's parent (ppid)=1 ..i get 1400 and it varies as per system.
How can i findthe right soluion???
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