Unix Commands Interview Questions
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What are file permissions in Unix, and how are they represented?

2 218

How do you change file permissions and ownership in Unix?

2 230

What are Unix processes, and how do you manage them?

1 235

What is a Unix signal, and how do you handle them?

2 270

How do you find files in Unix?

2 253

What is the difference between a hard link and a soft link in Unix?

1 274

How do you create a directory in UNIX?

1 193

How do you remove a directory?

1 221

How do you move or rename a file or directory?

1 174

How can you copy files or directories?

1 203

How would you find the size of a file or directory?

1 233

How can you create a symbolic link to a file or directory?

1 232

How are UNIX file permissions represented?

1 169

How do you change file permissions?

1 213

How can you change the owner or group of a file?

1 187

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Un-Answered Questions { Unix Commands }

What is unix command?


How do I search for a file in unix command?


What difference between cmp and diff commands?


Write a command that will display files in the current directory, in a colored, long format.


What is command statement?


Write a command that will find all text files in a directory such that it does not contain the word "amazing" in any form (that is, it must include the words amazing, amazing, or amazing)?


How do I search a whole word in vim?


Which command is used to delete all files in the current directory and all its sub-directories?


Name the general commands in using unix os for a beginner?


How many unix commands are there?


What do know about tee command and its usage?


Explain how to use grep command to list find the records of a file containing 10 different strings?


What is the command to compare two files in unix?


What do know about tee command?


Can you explain a little bit about command substitution?