i'm just a beginner and i'm going to attend a serious casting. i know there are some very important things every model must care in her bag wherever she goes. so what are this things? thanks in advance!
1 5874What non surgical products does western society use for women to enlarge the lips and lighten wrinkles?
1 5897What 1980s TV soap opera with a high fashion element had a global audience of over 250 million?
1 5443Which shoe mostly worn by people such as ambulance and police workers became a 1970s fashion shoe?
1 6707Post New Fashion Modelling AllOther Questions
Regency era sleeves often covered the hand. What were they called?
What was a Spencer?
Which are the different stages in fashion cycle?
Which are the different seasons of fashion?
hai i'm abirami my age is 16 running iam very interested in modelliung iam wheatish in colour iam 40 kg and iam looking fare only all this things are possible to me to become a model? pls answer me. u can cont me on abiramiiyer037@gmail.com.
What are the Psychological Aspects of Fashion? Explain.
how can i b the modle is course is must 4 modling im doing job how can i b ma height 5.8smthing
Describe the environmental concerns in fashion and textiles.
Explain the effect of industrial revolution on fashion.
What was an early pelisse?
What happened to the skirts of regency dresses around 1820?
Which new invention by James Hargreaves in 1764 eventually wiped out the domestic industry of spinning yarns?
How fashion helps prepare society for the future?
Which fashion designer won't use animal products such as leather in fashion clothes or accessories?
What was a leghorn?