What was a capote?
What was pelisse-robe?
What was a style of red cloak called in the C18th?
What word was being used to replace stays around 1800 in both England and America?
What are the Psychological Aspects of Fashion? Explain.
Which famous British towns copied the Kashmir shawls producing a British version?
Discuss the various terms used in Fashion industry.
What is the cst rate (west bengal) of hosiery goods when we purchase from outside west bengal ?
i am an 18 year old boy with good looks but i am just 5 feet 6 inches tall.can i do ranp modelling? how?
i left my study in 2001-02 and i joined retail in 2005so wht should i answer for this gap?
Explain the effect of industrial revolution on fashion.
Who was Beau Nash?
Regency era sleeves often covered the hand. What were they called?
Which are the different seasons of fashion?
Which British writers popularised Romantic images in women which were soon translated into romantic fashion in Britain?