Fashion Modelling AllOther Interview Questions
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what age are antique garments?

1 4141

What age are vintage garments?

2 6312

How long has the Miss World beauty Competition been running?

1 4101

who was the most famous American female fashion icon of the 1960s?

1 9820

What is the name of the most famous 1950s Hermes handbag?

1 6162

Who did Tom Ford design fashion for until recently?

1 3845

Which designer has a famous musician songwriter singer pop star as a father?

1 4912

What were Yuppies in the 1980s?

2 6690

What does the acronym Y U P P I E S stand for?

1 4527

which perfume advertisement cost over ?5 million to make in 2004?

1 5709

Which famous film star wrote a book about her passion for jewellery?

1 6289

Which Italian fashion designer was shot dead in the 1990s?

2 6866

What is the fibre source of cashmere fibre?

1 4087

What is the fibre source of mohair fibre?

1 11112

What is the fibre source of angora fibre?

1 3794

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Un-Answered Questions { Fashion Modelling AllOther }

Which are the different stages in fashion cycle?


Which are the steps in fashion forecasting?


Queen Victoria gave her name to the Victorian age. When was she crowned Queen of England?


What other continental influences were seen in Regency fashions?


i am a model....from nigeria and i need a fashion or any modelling job....anywere on earth


What is fashion forecasting?


What famous exhibition did Prince Albert organise for London in 1851?


What was a style of red cloak called in the C18th?


What was a tippet?


Which are the main cultural reasons in the change of fashion?


Regency era sleeves often covered the hand. What were they called?


Name the six novels Jane Austen published between 1811 and 1818?


What was a leghorn?


Explain Mass Dissemination in fashion adoption?


What was rococo?