Which two paper dressmaking pattern companies helped women to make more of the domestic sewing machine?
1 3394Post New Fashion Modelling AllOther Questions
What does Philip Treacy mainly design?
When did waistlines reach a peak height in Regency Britain?
What are the Psychological Aspects of Fashion? Explain.
Write notes on Fashion services and resources.
What was Kashmir famous for especially in the early Regency era?
hai i'm abirami my age is 16 running iam very interested in modelliung iam wheatish in colour iam 40 kg and iam looking fare only all this things are possible to me to become a model? pls answer me. u can cont me on abiramiiyer037@gmail.com.
Give notes on fashion shows.
what are the general questions asked in p.g. nift interview
What was pelisse-robe?
What happened to the skirts of regency dresses around 1820?
Which are the steps in fashion forecasting?
What other continental influences were seen in Regency fashions?
What was a paletot?
What word was being used to replace stays around 1800 in both England and America?
What was a tippet?