Fashion Modelling AllOther Interview Questions
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how do i sell bikinis to an iranian girl??????

7 11875

iam male,6"1 height,slim weight 59,average looking personality,can i enter in fashion modeling,if it,how and where can i start my approach ?

2 3865

what will you do if your top fall off



2 5394

i am a good looking 23yr old hot guy.. i need to be a model.. plz suggest me how to contact people or company...

2 4385

hello frnds i m nishant i want to know about reebok instructor certificate course should i do it what are the job opportunities is there any educational qualificatin criteria i m 12th passout plz frnds reply me soon



i am an 18 year old boy with good looks but i am just 5 feet 6 inches tall.can i do ranp modelling? how?


Hello sir/Madam, i am intrested in modelling, as i am 27 yrs old. please sujjest me some idea or the tips ,help me out. Regards Sharath.k


im 21 years old n doing MBA can i b the modle with working in job how? n im smart n working out it is possible to do both it is my desire to b a modle is there need so much money? tell me how to start n first step my height 5.8smthing tell me



how can i b the modle is course is must 4 modling im doing job how can i b ma height 5.8smthing



can i have the list for the winners of miss madhya pradesh contest


What is the part of male body used for sexxx called? a)lungs b)pennis c)vagina d)mouth

2 5690

I'm 13 year old girl. I am 5'3 (161cms) tall and I am dying to be a professional model when I grow up. The troubel is, I don't know about the modelling agencies I am finding on the internet and whether they are ligitemate, and will fulfill my dreams and not waste my time. If anyone could refer me to any ligitemate modelling agencies in Sydney, Australia, that would be great.


hi my name is garima n very much interested in ramp modelling m 5'6.8cm n vital stats are 34,25 35. plz tell me me i always wanted to do this i will b looking for ur answer thanks.

4 14546

who invented the new look in 1947


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What famous exhibition did Prince Albert organise for London in 1851?


Hello sir/Madam, i am intrested in modelling, as i am 27 yrs old. please sujjest me some idea or the tips ,help me out. Regards Sharath.k


Regency era sleeves often covered the hand. What were they called?


i am an 18 year old boy with good looks but i am just 5 feet 6 inches tall.can i do ranp modelling? how?


What was Kashmir famous for especially in the early Regency era?


What are the steps involved in Range planning?


hello frnds i m nishant i want to know about reebok instructor certificate course should i do it what are the job opportunities is there any educational qualificatin criteria i m 12th passout plz frnds reply me soon


What other continental influences were seen in Regency fashions?


Describe the environmental concerns in fashion and textiles.


What was reticule?


Which are the steps in fashion forecasting?


What was an early pelisse?


What was a poloniase?


who invented the new look in 1947


Explain about Law of colour areas.