Which British writers popularised Romantic images in women which were soon translated into romantic fashion in Britain?
2166Post New Fashion Modelling AllOther Questions
how can i b the modle is course is must 4 modling im doing job how can i b ma height 5.8smthing
Write short note on fashion forecasting
Describe the environmental concerns in fashion and textiles.
What kind of decoration was used on these simple empire dresses?
What are the Psychological Aspects of Fashion? Explain.
Which fashion designer won't use animal products such as leather in fashion clothes or accessories?
hai i'm abirami my age is 16 running iam very interested in modelliung iam wheatish in colour iam 40 kg and iam looking fare only all this things are possible to me to become a model? pls answer me. u can cont me on abiramiiyer037@gmail.com.
Which magazines do you read and what is your favorite magazine?
Name the six novels Jane Austen published between 1811 and 1818?
Explain about Law of colour areas.
What was redingote?
What was a chemisette?
What is the date of the Georgian era?
What does Philip Treacy mainly design?
Which are the main cultural reasons in the change of fashion?