Fashion Modelling AllOther Interview Questions
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Which fashion house has always designed glorious exotic colourful prints since the 1960s?

1 3987

Which year was the first face lift done?

1 3790

Which designer brought messages on T-shirts into mainstream fashion when she protested against nuclear missiles in the 1980s?

1 3625

Name three items that teddy boys would have worn?

1 4495

Which fabric is flax fibre made into?

1 3798

What C19th fashion item was called a Coal scuttle?

1 4816

Which Queen wore widow?s weeds until she died in the C20th?

1 2773

When was the Cage Crinoline or Artificial Crinoline invented?

1 4572

What does 'crin 'mean?

1 3711

Which material was used in such vast quantities in the 1890s that Courtaulds built a textile empire on the sales of it alone?

1 3587

How long was widow expected to mourn in the Victorian era?

1 5396

What were engageantes?

1 3638

Describe articles that were called either a tournure or a bustle?

1 3970

What was Amelia Bloomer famous for?

2 5974

What fabric style did Queen Victoria help make popular?

1 3634

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Un-Answered Questions { Fashion Modelling AllOther }

What was rococo?


What was redingote?


What was a chemisette?


Name two exotic dances that took off globally in the 1990s and encouraged women to wear prettier dresses?


Which magazines do you read and what is your favorite magazine?


Which are the main cultural reasons in the change of fashion?


Which British writers popularised Romantic images in women which were soon translated into romantic fashion in Britain?


Name the six novels Jane Austen published between 1811 and 1818?


What is fashion forecasting?


i'm just a beginner and i'm going to attend a serious casting. i know there are some very important things every model must care in her bag wherever she goes. so what are this things? thanks in advance!


What was a leghorn?


Which are the different stages in fashion cycle?


Mention how the rise of middle class affects fashion.


Describe the environmental concerns in fashion and textiles.


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