Which fashion house has always designed glorious exotic
colourful prints since the 1960s?
How can I find out the modelling agent?
What happened to the skirts of regency dresses around 1820?
i am an 18 year old boy with good looks but i am just 5 feet 6 inches tall.can i do ranp modelling? how?
What is the cst rate (west bengal) of hosiery goods when we purchase from outside west bengal ?
What was pelisse-robe?
What is the fibre source of mohair fibre?
Which year was the first face lift done?
Name two exotic dances that took off globally in the 1990s and encouraged women to wear prettier dresses?
which perfume advertisement cost over ?5 million to make in 2004?
Which British writers popularised Romantic images in women which were soon translated into romantic fashion in Britain?
What was Amelia Bloomer famous for?
What was a capote?