how to find out the maximum number out of the three inputs.
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Answer / hsandeep007
Hi Angads,
here is the code that need to implement.
I used java..
class largeNum{
public static void main(String args[])
int i,j,k;
i = Inter.parseInt(args[0]);
j = Inter.parseInt(args[1]);
k = Inter.parseInt(args[2]);
if (i>j && i>k)
system.out.print("i is max" + i);
else if(j>i && j>k)
system.out.print("j is max" + j);
else if(k>i && k>j)
system.out.print("k is max" + k);
Is This Answer Correct ? | 32 Yes | 13 No |
Answer / dapumptu
If the inputs are a, b, and c,
max = a;
if (b > max) max = b;
if (c > max) max = c;
now max will contain the largest of the three.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 17 Yes | 6 No |
Answer / ceeemor
using namespace std;
int main() {
int num[3];
cout << " Input 3 integers : ";
for (int i =0; i <3; i++) {
cin >> num[i];
sort(num, num+3);
cout << " The largest num in the given input s : " << num
[2] << endl;
return 0;
Is This Answer Correct ? | 14 Yes | 5 No |
//Single statement code using ternary operator
int max(int a, int b, int c)
return (((a > b) ? a : b) > c) ? ((a > b) ? a : b) : c;
Is This Answer Correct ? | 14 Yes | 8 No |
Answer / leonard a wilson iii
//Done in c#
//using x,y,z to test the outcome as maximium
double x=45,y=25,z=2,maximium=0;
if (z != Math.Max(x,y))
Console.WriteLine("x={0},y={1},z={2} the max
is{3}", x, y, z, maximium);
//Leonard A Wilson III
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 8 No |
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