if we send you in a territory where 5 sales man dominate ,sales is depend on their face value.it is good for you & also if they are breaking the rules of company & they unionized ?
1 5238if u have three distributors.one is financially week & having negative attitude.your territory's turnover last month was 2 corer & now target is 5 corer .how you decide the target & how you deliver it?
2 6091if you are in a territory where product is sold on cut rate like company says product should be sold on 2 % but in market it comes on 4% what you will do for achieving your primary & secondary target?
2 6461IF you have two distributors ,your target is 3 corer .now the date is 20th and you done 1 corer what will your strategy to achieve 2 corer in 10 days?
2 9013Post New Hindustan Unilever Limited Interview Questions
whatis the commertial spec. of distribution boards ?
Which linux is best for laptop?
Can anybody just suggest about the scope of Electrical design with ETAP software?Just guide me?
What is overriding in oops?
Which types of video files can be supported in silverlight?
What is the difference between structural directive and attribute directive in angular 7?
What is delegate in objective c?
Explain ai backgammon?
What is @inject()?
How do I change word to normal view?
Explain the structure of cold fusion?
What is a user friendly software?
Explain table?
What is ngzone used for?
Can you describe a time when an AI project didn't go as planned and how you adapted?