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How do you master coding?
In disconnected mode how many local system should be connected / defined?
Tell me about urself? asked me qstns on my resume what about higher studies any plans? where do u find urself after 3-4
What is Sensex and how will you calculate it?
What is model database? : SQL Server Architecture
How do you create an exe file?
In AP we done Customizations for Late Payments Charges. For Reporting Purpose What are the Documents Prepared for Customer Understanding??
Explain the concepts and capabilities of data mining?
What do you know about email marketing?
How do I combine all cells into one?
What do you mean by the term thread size please explain what does 0.125 inch stand for in 0.125 inch npt thread?
Explain list elements in html.
How do you check if I have angular cli installed?
How will you influence people to strive willingly for group objectives in your organization (target based industry)? Apply your interpersonal influence through communication process towards attaining your specialized goals?
Explain cross-linking and its functions in seo?