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Hindustan Unilever Limited Call Centre AllOther Interview Questions
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Hindustan Unilever Limited Call Centre AllOther Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

When will existing office365 users gain access to the office 2013 desktop suite?


What protocols fall under the application layer of the tcp/ip stack?


What do you mean by microsoft excel?


What are the different types of SLA?


What are the advantages of cluster?


I want to implement functionality like. When any user create issue, he should assign only to group MFG(not other than MFG), then MFG group will try to resolve at there end, if they resolve issue then MFG group will update status to close, and if not then MFG group user will forward(assign) to SUPPER group, and supper group will assign to expert person. What I did As follows. 1)created two Issue tracking list one is "ABC" another is "PQR" 2) Also applied permission on ABC and PQR list. because end user should not interact directly with consultant, one group of 4 person is present between end users and consultant, this group is mediator. 3) copy workflow is created. it will copy list of items from ABC list to "PQR" List. Here Im facing problem that workflow will not copy item because user of "ABC" does not have access to "PQR". if i give contribute permission on both list then workflow work correctly. I want that User of List ABC should not see the PQR list and workflow copy item from one list to other list. Can any one help me? thanx in advance


Oracle-HRMS, through SOE report i am able to view pay details of all employess but when I run a Payroll report/Payslip, im unble to view report nor print.


How do I get the ie tab in chrome?


what are knowledge modules?


How is scrap value calculated?


What are the advantages of microsoft excel?


How we calculate the size of ht cable for any transformer


You are a project manager for Fountain of Youth Spring Water bottlers. You are installing a new accounting system and have identified several problems and their causes. You decide to use which of the following to identify the variables that will have the greatest effect on project outcomes? A. Design of experiments B. Bench marking C. Benefit/cost analysis D. Flow charting


what is the difference between gas group b and gas group c electrical equipment construction wise?


What is precedence constraint?