why secondary of open delta pt (two element pt) centre tap is earth what happen when this earth is removed
1 5968what are userexits?? how to use it?? whats the importance of them?? can it be used in interactive reporting to directly come to basic list??
2 4554Post New Essar Interview Questions
What is determining factor in the oxidation reduction reaction?
Which package is imported by default in java?
Can a VB application be an OLE server?
If your server is running on Unix and one of the sessions are keep on running without loading any data. how would you kill it?
What's the difference between *.vsdisco and *.disco file?
Which kind of parameters cannot have a default value in pl sql?
What is the difference between using getSession(true) and getSession(false) methods?
How can separation of chiral chemicals affect the chemical and/or pharmaceutical industries?
What is hover effect in css? How we can apply on tags?
What are Non Performing Assets?
What is a toast notification?
What is @required in spring?
Is PPPoE supported?
How many admin consoles possible in a single domain?
What is difference between performblock: and performblockandwait:?