PO made for 100 pcs and GR for 100 Pc but received the invoice for 110 pcs. How you will address this ?
4 16482Post New Essar SAP MM (Material Management) Interview Questions
Tell us what are some differences between a linked list and an array?
What is map and flatmap?
What are digital electronic flip flops?
I wanna to learn RFT can anyone send me the learning material including demo. I am working on mainframe based project using RFT, but don't have that much knowledge of java scripts so need to learn.
What are the advantages of Web Services?
what is template and type convertion
Tell me how can we get the error when there is a problem to upload a file?
How vfd saving power.
What are the attributes of the tags? What are their functions?
What are the uses of vb script?
What are important features linq?
Tell me how do I see all of the routes that are defined?
1s it posible to Create Tables Through Querydef?
How will you calibrate an absolute pressure transmitter vaccum manometer range 0-400mmhg ABS
What is call-by-name? Does Scala and Java support call-by-name? What is the difference between call-by-value and call-by-name function parameters?