In a coal fired boiler furnace temp. is high but super heater out let temp. low what reason for this?
6 12993In a thermal power plant ID Fans running with full load but boiler load is only 80 % give reason ?
9 18139Post New Essar Interview Questions
What are topping and superposed turbines?
i choosed hr as career what are the qualifications and skills that i requiered please answer me
How python can be used in machine learning?
How do you insert a listbox in excel?
PRICING…… I have a requirement where I have a fright condition which is a header condition for the whole document, I will be maintaining the fright condition recorder (header level) because it’s header condition, now the requirement is if I want to have 5 conditions to be calculated for each item because let’s say I have 5 line items, I want to see how the side calculated first of each item so what’s the best way to take out that out of the system in standard configuration, how can we achieve this?..... REPEATING question (I have a fright condition, now fright condition is a header condition, now my requirement is I wanted to applied that fright condition each line item level so fright condition applies a header level but my requirement is I want to see each and every line item should also get this fright condition on the value of the item, let’s say my fright is $100 so I have 5 line item, each item has the 10 10 10… so build on that value I want to purpurnate the fright condition, how can we achieve this from the standard system configuration stand point?
List down the advantages of react router?
What is the use of access database?
What is numpy? Is it better than a list?
What is latest mvc version?
How do you rotate a microsoft word document?
If anyone have attended interview with deloitte for the post of senior manual test engineer. Please share the interview process and the questions asked. How to prepare for the interview. Thanks in advance
How do you approach model selection and hyperparameter tuning?
What do the various queue names mean?
State record can be dynamic record. State whether true or false?