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Electrical Interview Questions
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What is Meant by Load factor in Power plant?

2 13082

what is the advantage of high pressure boiler & what is effect on steam consumption?

1 11539

how much test voltage should applied for tan delta test.

2 4995

11 kv line me tino phase takra jaye to present time me approximately voltage aur current kya hoga...

2 4584

what is the function of 1 phase preventer?

3 25118

how many headquarters of lic

5 8170

What is full form of ELECTRICAL?

3 65098

what is difference b/w squirrel cage rotor and wound rotor

2 29490

How to desaturate a saturated CT of PS Class?

4 9705

1ampear me kitna watts hota hai aur elcb ka pura naam kya hai

18 161924

how many testing use in power transformer?tell equipment names?

2 5189

What is meant by sotf,lbb,power swing,pole discrepency,auto reclose?

1 6496

why capacitor offer reactance to alternating current?

1 2394

why a pilot exciter is used in combination with the main exciter? why not only a main exciter is used for excitation to an alternator?

1 3847

how many brick in 1 cubic meter with mortar ?

9 9636

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9. What was the most complex type of report you dealt with?


Explain sql server authentication modes?


What are thread safe functions?


What does quality factor mean?


How many types of margin are there?


Do streamers make money from sparks?


How do I check my gpu?


what are tear sheets and clips for copy editors? : Journalist


What iscell spacing and cell padding?


Which is better internet explorer or edge?


What are loops in java?


Can you drag and drop existing SQL structures directly onto a form?


Differentiate between functions getch() and getche().


What are the advantages of blockchain that you simply know?


What is array of pointers to string?