WHY DO WE USE the command interface Vlan 1 ip adress x.x.x.x sub mask what does it do .. what does it create.. i know when we create it we can remotely telnet inti a router=switch. but what is the diff bwt vlan and intface vlan. ... vlan 1 bieng a native vlan remains there eve if i dont gv switch an ip address .. lease suggest.
1 4149Which of the following statements is false? If your Frame Relay link does not support inverse ARP, you must manually map DLCIs to network Address. One of the major advantages of Frame Relay is its ability to connect to multiple PVCs using only one physical link. DLCI addresses are determined by the network administrator when installing the network. Which of the following statements is false? If your Frame Relay link does not support inverse ARP, you must manually map DLCIs to network Address. One of the major advantages of Frame Relay is its ability to connect to multiple PVCs using only one physical link. DLCI addresses are determined by the network administrator when installing the network. In order for two ends of virtual circuits to communicate using Frame Relay, their network addresses must be mapped to DLCIs.
2 8854We have one router,we r using two routing protocol eigrp 90 net, ospf 110 net on same router, Is it possible?
6 9815which utility should use to test whether TCP/IP has been initialized on a system.friends plz post the answer with explaination..
3 5857Suppose there are 3 pc's pc1 pc2 and pc3 all are connected with each other pc 1 is able to ping pc2 and pc3 but pc2 and pc 3 not able to ping pc 1 then what is an issue troubleshoot it?
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Is it possible to run host command from SAP environment? How do you run?
I want my class to be developed in such a way that no other class (even derived class) can create its objects. Define how can I do so?
What are session state modes? List some of the important session state modes of asp.net.