Which methods are used to create and destroy model associations on the fly?
Explain what you mean by memory alignment.
can i use the commands "modify" and Change in DB2 to alter my column datatype and its name in a table?
Compare and contrast the different ways of achieving concurrency in os x and ios.
What is the n 1 problem?
Explain about functional dependency and its relation with table design?
we have 3 single phase transformers. how will we generate 6 supply from 3 phase supply input
What are the benefits of oop in c++?
What are the different of extensions exists in hybris?
What is aop(assepct oriented programing)?
Explain the global execution of RPA?
What is a static class in java?
What is a no-follow link?
what are stereomers? how are they classified?
What is horizontally scalable?