can any body give me any website for getting help on mainframe projectts in banking domain.
What are the Certifications available for Developers in Pega?
What does executeupdate return in jdbc?
What is margin top in css?
What is 3 element control system
What does three dots mean in texting?
What is SSL (Secured Sockets Layer) ?
Do you know what is user defined datatypes and when you should go for them?
What are Dimensional table?
Explain basophils?
What is trim function in excel?
What is the purpose of hssfsheet class in apache poi?
What are the types of records in SAP ALE Idocs and where is this information stored?
Mention what are the values stored in the Cassandra Column?
There are 10 rows in the datatable. How can we fetch 2 rows and then skip 3rd row. After that, pick 4th & 5th row and skip 6th row. Please share code