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Wipro PHP Interview Questions
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What is the use of friend function?

7 35216

Create a PHP web script with the following attributes: on start, three HTML form elements are shown: an string input field, a checkbox field, a dropdown/pull down list with 5 elements and a submit button. On submission, the form should be redisplayed (while remaining all options/inputs as the user has selected/entered them). Additionally, the selections/inputs of the user should be displayed in text. Please solve this without the use of any external libraries.

1 5811

what is interface in php? how it is use?

10 46126

How can we submit a form without a submit button?

23 85856

Why is PHP-MySQL frequently used for web (Portal) Development?

5 8324

What is the difference between InnoDB and MyIsam

1 8743

tel me any 2 regular expressions with example

1 4518

How can we extract string '' from a string "" using regular expression of PHP

6 15549

What is a procedure in php?

5 11091

how to display and include the user system date/time in a php program/project

1 3663

hi guys..i m new to php..and want to learn it including the oops concept...can anybody send me some good programming bases exercise or a small learning project on it at know html and going thru some of its websites.But about to go on it practically.plz advice.

1 3771

i am a 3yr diploma holder(CSE) from bangalore and i got job as php developer.. starting 7.5k... but i dont know what is the future carreer scop for diploma holders(for me)...plz help

2 5589

what server connected

1 3534

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Wipro PHP Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

How does css hover work?


i know the syllabus for the tax assistantexam but i would appreciate some tips fromyou on how to prepare for the general awareness paper.


What is difference between normal crystal reports and sap crystal reports. Why sap acquired the crystal report.


What are the enhancements in batch mailbox move on exchange 2013?


What are the rules and regulations asa follows for their projects? : insurance cold calling


What is google algorithm?


What does partial order or planning involve?


any one can explain about policy file rule? when i connect database with applet then ther is no compile time error but the run time error is occureed.i.e access is denied.policy file rule is related to this problem.


What is Catapult Testing in E-Learning Domain?


explain project planning board


Question on Copy constructor.


What are some ways in which a company can reduce the need of inventories?


What are the most popular fonts?


when All datafiles related to a Tablespace are removed ?


What are the different types of parts used in xsl?