Who was the first Indian to be elected to the British Parliament ? (a) Dadabhai Naoroji (b) Gopal Krishna Gokhale (c) Bipin Chandra Pal (d) Lala Lajpat Rai
13 56393Where was the first Municipal Corporation in India set up? (a) Bombay (b) Calcutta (c) Delhi (d) Madras
35 88063?Queensberry Rules? is the name given to the rules in: (a) Cricket (b) Tennis (c) Boxing (d) Hockey
2 9100In which year Planning Commission was set up? (a) In 1956 (b) In 1950 (c) In 1940 (d) In 1947
2 12125The addresses delivered by the President in Parliament are prepared by: (a) the government and approved by Cabinet (b) the President himself (c) the Secretary to the President of India (d) there is no fixed rule
1 3456The bacteria responsible for ?nitrogen fixation? is found in the roots of (A) Grass (B) Citrus plants (C) Leguminous plants (D) Neem tree
1 5554Camphor can easily be purified by the process of (A) Sublimation (B) Distillation (C) Crystallization (D) Sedimentation
3 26683Who said, ?The new Constitution (of India) establishes, indeed, a system of government which is at the most quasi-federal, almost devolutionary in character: a unitary State with subsidiary federal features rather than the federal State with unitary features?? (a) Dr. K. C. Wheare (b) S. L. K. Ivor Jennings (c) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru (d) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
2 10062The election to the office of the President is conducted by the (a) Chairman of Rajya Sabha (b) Speaker of the Lok Sabha (c) Election Commission (d) None of these
4 14126The salary of the President of India is (a) Not liable to income tax (b) Liable to income tax (c) Taxed at a concessional rate (d) None of these
2 11825The food in an onion is stored in the form of (A) cellulose (B) protein (C) starch (D) sugar
2 14151The characteristic nature of fuse wire is (1) High resistance and high melting point (2) High resistance and low melting point (3) Low resistance and high melting point (4) Low resistance and low melting point
19 89424Who is the present Governor of Reserve Bank of India? (1) Prof. Madhu Dandavate (2) M.S. Ahluwalia (3) C. Rangarajan (4) Dr. Bimal Jalan
38 51548Name the only Indian Prime Minister who never faced the Parliament during his tenure. (1) Choudhary Charan Singh (2) Atal Bihari Vajpayee (3) Chandrashekhar (4) Vishwanath Pratap Singh
7 29872Post New TNPSC Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Interview Questions
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Why is it called dependency inversion?
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