now i have a professional B.V.Sc degree in hand i want to prepare for group-1 where i can start ? what subject i should start?
1850sir, I am planning to write TNPSC group 2 exam this year. SO i need previous year solved or unsolved TNPSC papers of GK, ENGLISH....... pls send me as many papers as u have..........
4 7844The principle of action of points is used in A. capacitors B. inductors C. resistors D. lightning arrestors
7 13755i marked in omr sheet for optional as general english by mistake.but i want to write in general it possible
1 4666How will be the questions in General knowledge in TNPSC Group-2. Whether printed in both English and tamil or only in the language which we have opted in the OMR application form? Since i have opted GENERAL TAMIL, am afraid that all the questions apart from general tamil section will also be in TAMIL. I will find it hard to translate those GK questions in Enlish since i did my schooling in English. Kindly answer my query.
1 61671.who is the present chairman of Human rights commission for tamilnadu state.......... 2.Ijath nagar belongs to which state? 3.who is the present Civil consumer commissioner? 4. who is the present Civil consumer commissioner for tamilnadu state??
4 36617Post New TNPSC Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Interview Questions
Which one is command key on keyboard?
Difference between overriding and overloading?
List out some iPhone and iPad testing tools?
wht is Manual Testing Frame work. Pls anybody can give appropriate answers
tell me about various levels of constraint. : Sql dba
What is national banking entrance exam (nbet) and who conducts it?
What is an interoperable application in java ?
Explain the process of wep?
what is composition vat
Can we override main method in c#?
Can group functions be mixed with non-group selection fields in ms sql server?
How does the dialog handle user requests?
which command is used to check running jobs in server?
Why is my wordpress not publishing?
Describe any bug you remember. Plz Give some real examples