what is the eligibility & requirement of educational qualification in respect of the post of "The President of India"?
1 10005I was very much interested un government jobs like tnpsc.I Need some notes,general knowledge and current affairs...So Please send my email id.............
1 2800I have passed typewriting Tamil and English Higher in Distinction on 2002. Now I have applied in Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) for the post of Typist. I want to know how they conduct the Tamil typing test either Typewriter or Computer. If they will conduct typing test in computer, I wish to know which type of key board? In Markets 4 types of Tamil Key Boards is available. I request you to clarify my doubt at the earliest.
3940As i want some model question paper in basic computer science and history please send me immediately sir
1615Post New TNPSC Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Interview Questions
What is the difference between recovery and restoring of the oracle database?
what are stubs related to foxpro?
Explain does corba define high level application architectures?
why occ characteristics of generator is also called as magnatization characteristics ?
How do I access webmail in outlook?
I have one ct of ratio 3000-2000/1 Amp its knee point voltage mentioned on name plate is 500-333/30mA-50mA at Vk/2. in secondary box there is three terminal named 1S1, 1S2, 1S3 then on which terminal obtained the knee point voltage ie 1S1-1S2 OR 1S1-1S3 & also specify the knee point voltage for the ratio 3000 from name plate.
How do I set up joomla?
Where is windbg?
What is swing in java javatpoint?
Is string value type c#?
What is mysql optimization?
If a success factor is changed during the year how do you know what you will be reviewed against at the next pdr?
Explain public static void main(string args[]).
Print the 10th line without using tail and head command.
What are the conditions applies to varchar variable, when using in procedures?