Is the Certification "Madhyam Visharad (Hidi)" issued by Hindi Sahitya Sammelan, Allahabad (U.P) is equivalent to University's BA(Hindi)??? Please give the Valid Proof.
6 18373Post New TNPSC Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Certifications AllOther Interview Questions
What is a template in excel?
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differentiate between the logical and physical plan of an apache pig script?
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What are various government schemes started by the government for youth employment?
what is role of sap administrator in pi & ep?
I want software development lifecycle of windows XP software?
What is python shell and idle?
mention what is csdl, ssdl and msl sections in an edmx file?
Explain x-glueb and its use in sap security.
What is the use of web.config file?
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What is ant?