if Q1,Q2 and Q3 reprsent the first, second and third quartiLes of data, then co-efficient of quartiLe deviation is
1829Post New TNPSC Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Interview Questions
So let's say I have an application that uses myapp.dll assembly, version There is a security bug in that assembly, and I publish the patch, issuing it under name myapp.dll How do I tell the client applications that are already installed to start using this new myapp.dll?
what is an extent ? : Sql dba
Explain different ways to trigger / raise exceptions in your python script ?
what is entry and exit criteria and explain it?
What is the relation between concentration gradient and active and passive transport?
Is it possible to publish datasets from lumira to hana platform?
What is path analysis?
Define Consumer Satellite Products
What is SQL Azure Federations?
IF Statements BLOCK 1 . IF a >= b THEN do_this …..; ELSE do_that….; END IF BLOCK 2 . IF a < b THEN do_that …..; ELSE do_this….; END IF; • Given any pair of non-NULL values for “a” and”b”, will Block 1 and Block 2 do the same thing? • What if either “a” or”b” (or both) is NULL?
what is the primary function of domain controllers? : Windows server 2008
I am working on PPR process to print checks. Currently the checks are printing for each supplier, supplier site and payment method group. My requirement is the invoice level one DFF is available (like A and B are the input values). Please let me know how include this DFF at invoice grouping level.
Explain step generator in qtp?
What are the most common databases?
What is nsoperation and nsoperationqueue?