As i want some model question paper in basic computer science and history please send me immediately sir
1619Post New TNPSC Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
Explain the usage of a buffer class in node.js?
Can you instantiate a struct without using a new operator in c#?
What is your phone in windows 10?
What is ibm mq series?
How would you import url links into the s_lit base table?
What is a web based system?
What is facade and how it is used in laravel?
What is css4?
How do I access my wordpress database?
What are design patterns in ios?
Define an interface MilitaryPower that has the following properties: • The interface has two public static final variables which are the finite x and y coordinate (i.e. the distance of the objects should not exceed these values. These values set to 100. • The interface has a method move that moves the military power objects to the target value. The method will be implemented by the other classes. The return type should be void. B) Define an enum class Direction which contains the directions (EAST, WEST, SOUTH, NORTH). C) Define a concrete class Tank that implements MilitaryPower, has the following properties: • XCoordinate (Integer), YCoordinate (Integer) are the instance variables for this class. • All instance variables should be private. • Write a parametered constructor that takes two parameters assigning with the instance variables. • Write a set and get method each of the instance variables. • Write a method move that takes two parameters. One of them is distance which type is integer. Another is direction which type Direction. The method should to the following: o If the direction is EAST, set the x-coordinate with adding distance. o If the direction is WEST, set the x-coordinate and subtract distance from x-coordinate. o If the direction is SOUTH, set the y-coordinate with adding distance. o If the direction is NORTH, set the y-coordinate and subtract distance from x-coordinate. • Write a method toString to display the tank coordinates. D) Define an array holding 10 MilitaryPower objects, all of them being a Tank. Then display each of the object information on the screen. (display its movements and coordinates).
What is br tag?
What is a class definition in python?
How can I call system when parameters (filenames, etc.) Of the executed command arent known until run time?
How to increase virtual memory in windows xp?