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TNPSC Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Interview Questions
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Judicial review is based on a) rule of law b) Due process law c) precedents of law d) proceedure of law

3 5083

Which is the end product in anerobic respiration in human

16 13407

i am B.Pharm Graduate preparing for Drug Inspector exam 2009.i would like to get some model question papers,no problem if it going to be from other state also.plz send to my email id thanks, priya

11 18788

Dear all, This is Birlla from chennai. I m preparing for Motor Vehicle Inspector Grade II exam for Tamil Nadu Public service exam. If any one have previous year question papers or question bank please let me know where u got or please send to my mail id Thanks in advance Regards, S.P.Birlla

1 4554

who among the following ruler was called as Kaviraja ?

2 16675

Brihaspathi was the fouder of


The electoral list with the photograph is introduced in TamilNadu during the year

1 3807

Which one of the following is Mendelian Dihybrid ratio


Heparin is an


endocine glands


The end product of anaerobic respiration in human is

2 3640

In annual plant exchange of gases takes place mainly through

2 5133

Glycolisis is the conversion of


Protoplasm is the "physicaL basis of Life" was said by

1 6779

ATP is

5 7064

Post New TNPSC Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Interview Questions

TNPSC Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Tell me what is microcontroller?


What is a memory leak in java?


Are these new fields that get created as a result of dff free text?


Explain method local inner classes ?


What are advantages of angular 2?


Define the term transaction routing?


How will you convert a string to all lowercase?


What are different search criteria you can use in quality management system?


Write code for reversing a linked list.


Explain digital circuits and the various components used in creating them?


Why are layout panels needed for in WPF?


how to interlock 3 nos MCCBs using under voltage coil. please provide me circuit diagram?


What is the correct html5 element for playing video files?


How to export a site or list in sharepoint 2010?


we called a function and passed something do it we have always passed the "values" of variables to the called function. such functions calles are called a) calls by reference b) calls by value c) calls by zero d) none of the above