how to find NIC card type. is there any command to display the card type when it not plumbed.
4 15216there is a function called changevalues(x,y)inside this function x=x+y/2 y=y+x+5 end so i am calling function in one program as changevalues(y,x) what is the output if x=2 and y=10(ignore exact programatic statements) please can any one provide me answer for this immediately
4 5252Tech round 1)joins 2)insert 3)delete 4)date 5)database architechture 6)bug life cycle 7)retesting 8)regression testing 9)somke and sanity testing Manager round 1)current organization details 2)explain current project 3)Basic unix comment 4)Test stragey
1 5673Write script to fetch the data from global sheet where row number is 3 and parameter is "text"
3 9778Post New Thomson Reuters Interview Questions
Can a final variable be manipulated in java?
What is meant by payscale structure? How did you configure payscale structure?
describe how you have used excel as a compliment to bex?
What is meant by call by reference?
What does the argument [or replace] do?
How do I create a if function in excel?
How many chart of accounts can company code have?
IN integration testing tester should knowledge of code or not?
Where was microsoft founded?
tell me yours mothers daily routine , fathers, your's
How do you print array in java?
Why is python best for machine learning?
What is the goal of erp/sap?
what is the step by step formula for calculating bus bar phase and neutral size of a panel board.suppose the incomer of panel board is 100A..???step by step answer please
How do you use tags in indesign?