What is entity framework c#?
How logical inference can be solved in propositional logic?
I have completed B.E. Instrumentation & control in 2009. i have 3 year industrial job experience in chemical plant.now, I want to join M.E. in external. so, Plese say easiet way and good institute name.
Is php a mvc?
What is the container or wrapper div?
can any one share with me the process solving tickets in sap fico with example plz.... thanks in advance
What is the use of a filter?
What does the django templates consists of?
What do you mean by fastexport in teradata?
How do you use raw_input in python?
What is the difference between conversation & casting?
10. Why mainframe testing is so important? Give any three advantages of Mainframe Testing?
How is hadoop different from spark?
Implementing pow function
List the various advantages of sap business workflow.?