What is array within structure?
hiding item in report how like that properly,thats manually but at runtime i want to do
What do you understand by the term polymorphism?
How to use limit in hibernate query?
Is it possible to determine header tasks automatically at save without selecting the save + determine tasks button?
Why do we need MapReduce during Pig programming?
composition of gun metal
What is odbc jdbc?
How do you define equipment/material loaned/leased to a customer?
What is the common way for the flask script to work?
Explain what are the essential features you look for a theme?
What is the boxing and unboxing concept in .net?
How to do the scripting. Is there any inbuilt functions in qtp as in qtp-s. What's the difference between them? How to handle script issues?
If the original method is not static you can declare an override method to be static or not?
What is its magnitude for ge and si?