i have a session which creates a file every time when i runs the session, but it replaces the first file with second file,i want to append the second file follwed by first file when i runs the session,how to achieve this?
1 4991in my source i have 100 records, and 3 targets, i want to load 1st record into 1st target,2nd record into 2nd target,3rd record into 3rd target again 4th target into 1st target and vice versa,how to achieve this?
3 12762in my source table i want to delete first and last records and load in between records into target? how can it possible?
3 8948i have 1000 records in my dource table, the same i have in target ,but a new column added in target as "batchno", and this column adds no 10 for 1st 100 records and 20 for next 100 records and 30 next 100 records and vice versa. how to acheive this?
6 10889in my lookup table i want to catch the recently updated records from the source to target,how to achieve this and what is last commit interval point for this?
2 6384Post New Thomson Reuters Informatica Interview Questions
Are you familiar with the term snooping?
What is the use of a boolean object in javascript?
What are actions in asp.net mvc?
What do you know about Translate Accelerator?
My system suddenly get off,when i try to power on then it does not work but when i open it and clean RAM and insert it again, it power on.but after some day same problem? please give the answer (i have also changed RAM it's new.)
Tell me how can we find the value of different attributes like name, class, value of an element?
Explain Statistical Procedure Based Approach?
What is rank, shape, and type in tensorflow ?
if voltage bt phase & nutral is 38v in a panel board . whats the root cause.
What is the formulae of Megger value for a A.C.Motor
What are doorway pages?
What are html helpers in asp.net mvc?
What’s the difference between session.save() and session.saveorupdate() methods in hibernate?
How sap change request management is helpful?
Is there any limitation of using inheritance?