Tech round 1)joins 2)insert 3)delete 4)date 5)database architechture 6)bug life cycle 7)retesting 8)regression testing 9)somke and sanity testing Manager round 1)current organization details 2)explain current project 3)Basic unix comment 4)Test stragey
1 5532Post New Thomson Reuters Manual Testing Interview Questions
What is the purpose of sorting algorithms?
How is apache tomcat different from apache web server?
hi, kindly send WWF(.net 3.5) pdf notes to my id. thanx in advance, chays
Define about key flexfiled ?
What is autonumber in ms access?
What are the possible Job roles?
Why call by value prevents parameter value change?
How are apps distributed?
What are the different message types available in the abap/4 ?
How to find occurrence of mu and pe fields in a file?
Tell us about a time when you failed to meet a deadline. What were the repercussions?
how mapp the defect id in quality center?
what is new in windows server 2003 regarding the dns management? : Windows server 2003
What all tasks you can perform for managing services using Ambari service tab?
Why are meta tags important?