in my lookup table i want to catch the recently updated
records from the source to target,how to achieve this and what
is last commit interval point for this?
Answers were Sorted based on User's Feedback
Differentiate between joiner and lookup transformation?
How can we remove the duplicates from flat file source?
How do you handle decimal places while importing a flatfile into informatica?
how to get the data from the client machine and how to get server location data to client loction can any one explain bit deep please..!
what are the limitations for bulk loading in informatica for all kind of databases and transformations?
i have oracle table A and target B. i don't know how many records. i want get get last record in table A as first record in target table B. write a sql query?
if i have a file having record sal=10000,and when use router with two groups having condition sal>5000 in one group,sal>7000 in other group.and if two groups connected to two which target sal=10000 will go?
9 Answers BirlaSoft, Genpact, L&T, Syntel,
Examples of Fatal & Non-Fatal error?
Is there any model difference between ODS and DWH
SRC1 -> EXP -> AGGR -> TGT SRC2 -> EXP -> Above is a maaping with two pipeline connected to the taret TGT. Design wise is this design is correct or not ?
how u know when to use a static cache and dynamic cache in lookup transformation.
Define update strategy?