can we import source table without using source qualifier? if
yes then how? if no then why?
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suppose we have 1 to 10 records.In router transformation we had given two condition A>= 5 A<=5 then what will be the output?
write a query to remove null value follwing table? col1 col2 col3 dinesh null null null suresh null null null prakesh i want the output col1 col2 col3 dinesh suresh prakesh
My Source qualifier has empno, sal. Now my mapping is like SQ(EMPNO)->AGGR->EXP->TARGET SAL ------------>TARGET ? Is this mapping valid or any issues are there if we design like this?
why we use datawarehouse
Is it passive or active when check and uncheck the box of DISTINCT in Sorter transformation? why?
6 Answers iFlex, Morgan Stanley,
What is dynamic cache?
why union is active transformation?
If a session fails after loading of 10,000 records in to the target. How can you load the records from 10001 th record when u run the session next time?
How to call stored Procedure from Workflow monitor in Informatica 7.1 version?
Whats the difference between informatica powercenter server, repositoryserver and repository?
Why update strategy and union transformations are active?
How to delete the data in the target table after loaded.