I am reading a file in CL program. and MONMSG CPF0864 has arrived means EOF has arrived. Now i want to read this file again. How i can do this?
5 14849for basic costing, how can we calculate how much amount of steel and cocrete will go in per sqft? and what are the thumbrules?
1 2380Post New Symphony Interview Questions
In qtp, how you can remove the spaces from string?
What are triggers? How many triggers you can have on a table? How to invoke a trigger on demand?
Why is not__getattr__invoked when attr==’__str__’?
Why do we need runtime polymorphism in c++?
Explain the value of the variable input is a string 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. How would you get the sum of the integers contained inside input?
Is MSMQ works in two-way communications in WCF?
How can you operate a desktop from a remote location?
What is a servlet engine?
Why oil is mixed with coolant and what are causes of this?
Can you crop in powerpoint?
What are table and db checkpoints?
Is angular object oriented?
What is the usage of "i-am-a-dummy" flag in mysql?
Please explain what is the .net framework and how does it work?
How to check a trigger is fired or not, while doing database testing?