What is the Difference between 2 tier and 3 tier Applications...Actually what is a tier.. Anybody can body can give accurate answer..Thanks in advance..........
7 21698Generally Where do we concentrate more on the web based applications testing....fox ex: security testing, performance testing etc....
2 6208What is Application Server, What is Webserver What is DataBase Server, Anybody can explain this...Thanks in advance
2 8490Anybody can explain What are Tabs in Test Director and What is the current version of QTP and TestDirector ...Thanks in advance....
8 12235Generally how do we do DataBase testing in Manual testing.. Do we prepare any testcases.. Generally do we concentrate more means ex: Joins, Triggers.....Anybody can expalin it in detail..Thanks in Advance....
5 11146What is the difference between Quality Plan and Test Plan Anybody can give answer..Thanks in advance...
5 15226How do you print the output the same string which is typed in command line. how do you write the shell script or command for this. if i entered "Hello" in command line, it should print 'Hello', if i say "Hello Welcome", i should get the "Hello Welcome" as output.?
3 10024Wht is the Throughput in performance testing during web based testing, Generally how do we test this..do we use any tool etc....Anybody can explain it in detail...
16 55090How do we find Pass and Fail percentage of Test Cases in Real Time. Anybody can explain it in Detail..Thanks is advance....
2 6874can anybody tell us, how to select 2nd max salary from table. my id is ashish.akk@gmail.com
28 27818i have sun ultra10 machine,OS is solaris 9 and i have single harddisk, now i want same ,exact copy of data in anoher harddisk so that i should be able boot from new harddisk, how do yo do this? is it called as cloning?
4 7666Post New Symphony Interview Questions
Is there any default username & pwd for bo designer & supervisor?
Enlist the differences between variable name and environment variables.
How can we read csv files through automation anywhere?
describe your typical day?
What does stringvar.strip() does?
What is property in objective c?
system choose one for me on the connect() call? Should I bind() a port number in my client program, or let the?
What is chargeback?
Write syntax for message error (report)?
3- What is the target from Zero Impedance, Single Phase Imp., S/C Imp. and magnetic balance tests?
What are the benefits of cycloidal gears?
Explain the fault domain?
It was suggested from an aol. advisor that my code of entrace to the aol email and other be changed to something else. I thought that I could have my own Code? What is going on?
What is the use of having the const qualifier?
What is c sharp language?