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Symphony Interview Questions
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What are raw sockets, where they are efficient?

2 4784

How to construct muliton object

2 5401

How to construct virtual constructor

6 13692

When the design recommends static functions?

2 5911

Shall we use 'free' to free memory assigned by new, What are the further consequences??

5 9933

How the STL's are implemented, What the difference between templates and STL?

1 6466

What is the disadvantage of templates ?

2 25886

How macros behave at debugging?

1 3424

What is the use of Application Object and Session Object in JSP?

4 19167

wat kind of question can we expect for market research post

1 4093

What is the error message that you would get if you try to assign "Null" to an integer variable?

4 6999

What is a package ? What are the advantages of packages ?

2 8663

What are the different types of testing u r doing in ur project

3 10508

What is the significance of doing Regression testing?

11 15500

What is defect leaking and defect release

3 12573

Post New Symphony Interview Questions

Symphony Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is heat of combustion?


what is Bearing Capacity,How to determine it?


What exactly is wordpress?


How is mapping of name of dll and function done?


Difference between reset.css and normalize css?


Name four container classes.


How will you target an h2 and h3 with the same styling?


What is the original name of java?


What is json? Explain?


What is meant by strongly connected in a graph?


How can I write a function that takes a format string and a variable number of arguments?


What is data control in


Is there any sample c# code for simple threading?


What is a combination chart?


Actually by using severity you should know which one you need to solve so what is the need of priority?