diffrence between dispatch action and lookupdispatch action write simple web appliction (insert records in database)
8 26165Post New Symphony Struts Interview Questions
what is the customization to be done when we save the purchase order sys should pass the mail to manager purchases for approval or release
What functions are used in excel?
Explain the different ways to run ae, sqr.(Command, process scheduler)?
explain different losses in a transformer.
What is the difference between database trigger and stored procedure?
What does async mean in c#?
Explain restful web service?
What is the latest version of jquery?
What is the difference between informatica and datastage?
What is Tcp/ip Model?
Is it safe to delete windows setup files?
How to calculate Term Loan interest and the double entry for Term Loan ? What difference between hire purchase and term loan ??
What are the good and bad services that should be kept in mind while serving a customer?
How is Ambari different from ZooKeeper?
What is ZigBee Protocol for Internet of Things (IoT)?