how to calculate quantities of sand , cement & aggregate in 1m3 - M20 , 1m2 of 6mm/12mm/20mm plaster , 1m3 20cm/ 1m2 of 10cm brick wall, paint quantity for 1m2 snowcem and lime painting?
3 69616how many no of cement bags required for 1:4 plastering for 100 sqft? how many no of cement bags required for 1:3 plastering for ceiling for 100 sqft?
6 76562i want to make this calution for making a buliding but i dont know the formula for this and also how much cement concrete an sand use for this calculation,calculation is below(100ft lenths 75ftwidth and 100mm thikness)plz brife the calcution thanks
1 5706how many mason and labaur work for a 1 brass bricks plz let me know the calculate & how to made calculation for this and whats the formulas for this?
5945Please provide detail I.S standard code for using crush sand instead of river sand for plaster and concrete grade M15, M20, M25 and M30 and its mix design
1 3241If a 12m main road straight is adjoined from both sides by 7.5 m road , how curves are given at corner for vehicle movement (measurement pls.)?
1 5867Post New Sobha Developers Interview Questions
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Can we do database operations without using any of the objects?
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