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Sobha Developers Interview Questions
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Method of findingthe dry ingredient quantity of 1 m3 concrete.

25 191606

What is diversity factor and how to calculate it

2 16332

formula for cable size calculation for current?

10 41570

what is mean by shear resistance in concrete?

3 13157

Can we operate a DG Set in paralell with Transformer ?

6 12145

plz give me the rate of RCC(1cuM), PCC(1 cuM), Brick Work (1sqM)?

11 116332

What is the capacity of the Fastners 12mm?


how to calculate quantities of sand , cement & aggregate in 1m3 - M20 , 1m2 of 6mm/12mm/20mm plaster , 1m3 20cm/ 1m2 of 10cm brick wall, paint quantity for 1m2 snowcem and lime painting?

3 69616

how many no of cement bags required for 1:4 plastering for 100 sqft? how many no of cement bags required for 1:3 plastering for ceiling for 100 sqft?

6 76562

i want to make this calution for making a buliding but i dont know the formula for this and also how much cement concrete an sand use for this calculation,calculation is below(100ft lenths 75ftwidth and 100mm thikness)plz brife the calcution thanks

1 5706

how many mason and labaur work for a 1 brass bricks plz let me know the calculate & how to made calculation for this and whats the formulas for this?


how to calculate water cement ratio?

6 23593

Please provide detail I.S standard code for using crush sand instead of river sand for plaster and concrete grade M15, M20, M25 and M30 and its mix design

1 3241

If a 12m main road straight is adjoined from both sides by 7.5 m road , how curves are given at corner for vehicle movement (measurement pls.)?

1 5867

how can u extent the final setting time of cement?

2 8106

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Un-Answered Questions

why do I get error when compacting a large database out of daos?


Will you be willing to travel if the work demands so?


What are the business benefits of blockchain?


Explain actions in qtp ?


What is __ file __ in python?


Why is databases important in healthcare?


What new in zend framework 2.0?


Explain about needleman-wunsch algorithm?


What is the difference between Array and Hash Table?


What are the tools to install java patches?


Android AVD creates in android studio , How to create IOS AVD ?


Can we do database operations without using any of the objects?


what is the function of Return Value?


How to create RDD?


What is the copy idms subschema-binds in idms?