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NCC Interview Questions
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what the purpose of transmited high voltage in over head lines

3 5466

what purose of the double circuit transmission line phase of the line phase changed for circuit-1 for Circuit-2 R-Y-B B-Y-R


directional over current relay when acted & how it works

3 19939

what happens if power factor is maintained at 0.9?give me the answer in technicall way rather than telling the penality n all

5 9338

What the purpose of transient fault recoredr in substation

2 5302

how do we calculate quantity of cement , sand and aggregates in 1 m3 of M30 grade concrete ?

31 432952

What is a deep beam ? Explain ?

6 31012

what is definition of shadow copy

5 12210

1) One mason per day how many cu.m work will do as per list given a) Brick work,hollow brick work and cc block work and plastering how many m2 per day 2) one carpenter per day how many m2 will do as well as scaffolding how many m3

12 227060

How to calculate the cement, sand quantity for plastering? (10'x10')10mm thick ratio 1:5. wht"s the formula?

35 432816

how 2 find out slap steel quantity ? plz help me

1 5074

How is The split core current transformer working ?

1 3058

how to find the carpenter work per day? how many cubic feet they should be work per day?

5 24540

How to know proportions of cement, sand, aggregate in different types of grades like M5, M10, M20, M30?

6 12791

What is Bearing Capacity of Soil? How will you calculate for a particular type of Soil?

6 18138

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please tell me how a surge protector work on a DC 48Volt.? please describe briefly.


Describe the grafting in jasmine tree?


What are the benefits of triggers?


Explain about inheritance?


Which Invoice issued on Central Sale Commercial or Retail?


Is it necessary to create the partner profiles in case of file to idoc scenario?


pls send the docs of any telecommunication mainframe project


Can any be nil swift?


Define biasing?


What is concatenation?


formula of reduction in tax credit of vat form 201(gujarat)


What is the use of interface views/nodes in webdynpro?


What is the role of sap treasury consultant?


How do you think ec2 service is capable to replace on-premises servers?


What is list and its types?