percentage of wastage limits in construction materials EX : min & max . cement = fine aggregate = coarse aggregate = admixture = wood = tiles = painting = marbles = bricks =
1 7180Post New NCC Interview Questions
What do you understand by public expenditure?
What are adjustment postings and its use? Give and paths if possible?
What happen to generator if i have unbalanced load?
Have you thought about pursuing the cfp designation? : insurance sales
Do you need a server to host a website?
What is the capacity the doget can send to the server?
You want to define special characters for projects. What t-code and menu path will you use?
What is sizeof () operator?
What is the difference between General Ledger and Ledger?
what are the control measures in case ofsclerotinia stem rot of soyabean?
What do you understand by SOA of Informatica?
What is a content page?
What is flushing in hibernate?
What do you understand by triggers and mention the different types of it?
What is lookup table microcontroller?