one module contains 3 screens like entry , exit & trasaction. u can perform operations by using these screens and u save that changes but those screens are not displaying on the desktop then how u can assign the seviority?
6 8664Suppose we r running a test which have 7 to 8 steps for different functionallity of and object..and suppose upto 4 step test passes but after 5th step test fails. what u will do in this condition will u start the test again or will u consider that rest steps will be working fine.
1 3998What is the procedure for Using Batch tests?And in real time how will use you use batch Tests?Explain with Clear Example?
1 4103class{ ... ... interface myinterface{ ... ... } abstract class{ .. .. } ... .. .. } is this possible to write "Interface and/ or Abstract class inside a class ? if possible whcich one is possible is only interface? is only abstract?
2 7797class A{ m2(){ } } class B extends A{ m2(){ } } class c extends B{ m2(){ } } class my_class extends c{ m2(){ } pulic static void main(){ ...My_class a = new my_class(); super.super.super.m2(); is this is leagal if not find what is the legal procedure in order to call A's version of m2(); }
8 19497Post New Logica CMG Interview Questions
What is mockito in junit?
How qtp recognizes the object?
What language is apache spark?
What is the stl, standard template library?
Which collection class is thread safe?
how to sort an array in c#
What is the agent running time intervals?
What are the difference between @inject and @injectable?
Why does a tea kettle sing?
Meaning of ingrace protection for motor.for ex IPXY
Can a comment be added inside a json file?
How do I turn off programs at startup?
explain fish model in detail?
Explain the role of AI in intrusion prevention systems.
Explain dataset.acceptchanges and dataadapter.update methods in .net?