the dd name for ksds is dest1 and what is the dd name for alternate index of ksds ? a.dest b.dest1 c.dest1a d.dd1
2 5350plz give me some example of p2 and p3 ticket and tell me and the procedure to solve them plzplz... my email id is
2793hii exparts plz give me one example of business process of a company..plz plz....
1931Hello guyz, I have interview scheduled next week on .Net Framework 1.1? Can any one please provide a) list of interview questions on .net frame work 1.1? b)basic differences between .net framework 1.1 and 2.0 and 3.5 c)the topics that i need to concentrate while preparing Thanks in advance
3231How do schedule a workflow in Informatica thrice in a day? Like run the workflow at 3am, 5am and 4pm?
3 10400Post New Logica CMG Interview Questions
Which command is used to terminate a process?
Do ssd ever fail?
What is structural authorization?
What are the various tasks in the sap hana which are performed by the modeling studio?
Do you know what are the new features that iso/ansi c++ has added to original c++ specifications?
Provide an example of testrunner class in cucumber.
What is the difference between assert and verify in selenium?
How will you make an attribute not process? : sql server analysis services, ssas
tell us something about your family background?
How can we check whether the contents of two structure variables are same or not?
What are parametric models? Give an example.
what does 50 denote in dowex 50 ????
What are the roles of RBI and IRDA?
What is the use of asynchronous module definition (amd)?
What is a map in programming?