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Logica CMG Core Java Interview Questions
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class{ ... ... interface myinterface{ ... ... } abstract class{ .. .. } ... .. .. } is this possible to write "Interface and/ or Abstract class inside a class ? if possible whcich one is possible is only interface? is only abstract?

2 7797

class A{ m2(){ } } class B extends A{ m2(){ } } class c extends B{ m2(){ } } class my_class extends c{ m2(){ } pulic static void main(){ ...My_class a = new my_class(); super.super.super.m2(); is this is leagal if not find what is the legal procedure in order to call A's version of m2(); }

8 19497

what is the difference between abstract class and Interface?where we can use it in realtime projects?

23 67470

Can we call the Thread.sleep in Synchyronozed block?

5 18220

how can we use the servlet as standalone apllication?should we need to extend any class?

2 6783

wht is customised exception?

1 6013

how to compile jsp?

4 7501

Why is prepared Statement, Callable Statement used for? What is the need of Batch updates?

1 13259

Write a java program to get a string of words and print the numbers of each word count in descending order

11 28826

Post New Logica CMG Core Java Interview Questions

Logica CMG Core Java Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What are your strength and weakness. Be clear about this


How to monitor firebird server activity?


What do you mean by metadata and why we are using it?


if any body have tyco electronics placement papers,please forward to my mail id ,please as early as possible. thanks®ards kadhar basha


How many tcp connections does http use?


How do I search in terminal?


what is the principle of the single phase energy meter? and,what is the advantages and disadvantages of single phase energy meter?


What is codeigniter and how it works?


What is the rule on a school who will be handled by anither school? How do I calculate the royalty per year to the school who will supervise a new school


Is null == null in java?


What are the types of inheritance in c#?


I want to implement functionality like. When any user create issue, he should assign only to group MFG(not other than MFG), then MFG group will try to resolve at there end, if they resolve issue then MFG group will update status to close, and if not then MFG group user will forward(assign) to SUPPER group, and supper group will assign to expert person. What I did As follows. 1)created two Issue tracking list one is "ABC" another is "PQR" 2) Also applied permission on ABC and PQR list. because end user should not interact directly with consultant, one group of 4 person is present between end users and consultant, this group is mediator. 3) copy workflow is created. it will copy list of items from ABC list to "PQR" List. Here Im facing problem that workflow will not copy item because user of "ABC" does not have access to "PQR". if i give contribute permission on both list then workflow work correctly. I want that User of List ABC should not see the PQR list and workflow copy item from one list to other list. Can any one help me? thanx in advance


What is the selenium webdriver?


give me an idea,wat qns r asked in interview?pls.. reply to


What is difference between adobe’s photoshop & adobe’s photoshop extended?