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Kirloskar Interview Questions
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what is composition for cast iron as per is 120 grade 25


sir what is the minimum IR value of 11 KV alternator?

4 13925

sir what is the purpose of SF6 in HT breaker and what is the pressure should be maintain in the breaker?

2 7020

sir can you operated Transformer on frequency from that for which is design?

1 3624

sir what is the minimun earth resistance value of an industial bit and grid bit ? and Why?

1 4820

sir, Is their any measuring unit of knoking? please explian?


sir, why alternator output is connected to delta side in to generating transformer? any reasion?

3 6611

sir, Two different rating of generator going to connect parallel, can it set same DROOP or different. Why? Please explain

2 6237

Sir, why generating power plant operating at above 0.9 lag? detail explaination?

1 4928

sir What is the different bet'n "Active & passive" sensors

3 5960

Sir Power transformer :- (in generating station) Alternator terminals side - Delta HT transmission line side - Star Why?

4 6818

what is difference b/w tube and pipe ?

6 9858

how can calculate 1kva generator running time in 1 liter keroscene


Which contains in POLE ASSEMBLY of a 11KV Kirloskar-make SF6 (Model No-FP620A12)? Will u clarify with drawing?


why capacitor using the induction motor?

6 7867

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Why is block size set to 128 MB in Hadoop HDFS?


What is the difference between the tree map and heat map?


What do you understand by standalone (or local) mode?


What is your favorite all time computer book? Why?


What is the use of OFMT?


What do you know about Ipv4 and Ipv6?


What is register variable in c language?


How do I test my ajax code?


what is difference between file-aid tool and file-aid utility?


what is activex controls in qtp


I want to Use Motorola Canopy 5.4 GHZ System for wireless Internt , i need how setup this network , i need step by step guide , Also i need what Hard i need for in such setup .


You are the project manager for Insomniacs International. Since you don't sleep much, you get a lot of project work done. You're considering recommending a project that costs $575,000, and expected inflows are $25,000 per quarter for the first 2 years, and then $75,000 per quarter thereafter. What is the payback period? A. 40 months B. 38 months C. 39 months D. 41 months


Tell me a situation when you negotiated with a vendor successfully.


Why can Bluetooth equipment integrate easily in TCP/IP network?


Explain the new feature of UFT regarding the export of test results?