Electricity sometimes can be dangers , sometime got shoked form it . It is because of volatge or Current
6 8426Why the ceiling fan rotates in clockwise direction and table fan rotates in anticlockwise direction.
3 8473What happens when water mixed with cowdung is used for priming instead of water for lifting water in pumps?
1957Post New Kirloskar Interview Questions
You want to find out all the tranparent tables related with sap-pm module. How will you do that?
What the supportable clients that can access exchange 2013 mailbox?
we are performed SOR for a particular product the limit is -6 to -10.We face particular bathes it is not meeting the specification.we performed diffrent instrument diffrent analyst we are getting diffrent diffrent results.solvent is dimethyl sulfoxide what could be the reasion
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What role does the network play in the Internet of Everything?
Who developed primary blue print programme?
Explain about the data model operations in HBase?
How do you set margins in powerpoint 2016?
What are the two arguments that async.queue takes?
What is boolean logic?
simplification of Boolean Expression- A+A'B.
Why cursor variables are easier to use than cursors?
For a job in Hadoop, is it possible to change the number of mappers to be created?
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What is vouching?