What is the ten letter city 7 8 9 is a famous festival 3 4 5
is a degree 2 1 is a abbreviation of group of countries 7 6
gives the meaning?
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Answer / a.mohamed gani
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prove that 1 + 1 = 1. use any logic, any method,any algorithm.. (its not a binary addition or logical OR gate).
What are the chances that at least two out of a group of fifty people share the same birthday?
Sachin, Dravid and Ganguly played in a Cricket match between India and England. ? None of them scored more than 99 runs. ? If you add the digits of the runs scored by Sachin to his own score, you will get the runs scored by Dravid. ? If you reverse the digits of the runs scored by Dravid, you will get the runs scored by Ganguly. ? The total runs scored by them is 240. Can you figure out their individual scores?
Last Saturday Milan went for the late night show and came late. In the morning family members asked him which movie did he see. He gave different answers to everyone. ? He told to his father that he had gone to see MONEY. ? According to his mom, he saw either JOHNY or BABLU. ? His elder brother came to know that he saw BHABI. ? To his sister, he told ROBOT. ? And his grandpa heard that he saw BUNNY. Thus, Milan gave six movie names, all five letter words. But he saw some other movie with five letter word. Moreover, each of the six movie names mentioned above has exactly two letters common with the movie he saw. (with the same positions) Can you tell which movie did Milan see?
There are 2 items combined cost is 110.. one item cost is 100 rupees more than the cost of other. So tell me indiviual cost of items......
A man has Ten Horses and nine stables as shown here. [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] The man wants to fit Ten Horses into nine stables. How can he fit Ten horses into nine stables?
A blindfolded man is asked to sit in the front of a carrom board. The holes of the board are shut with lids in random order, i.e. any number of all the four holes can be shut or open. Now the man is supposed to touch any two holes at a time and can do the following. ? Open the closed hole. ? Close the open hole. ? Let the hole be as it is. After he has done it, the carrom board is rotated and again brought to some position. The man is again not aware of what are the holes which are open or closed. How many minimum number of turns does the blindfolded man require to either open all the holes or close all the holes? Note that whenever all the holes are either open or close, there will be an alarm so that the blindfolded man will know that he has won.
Among 12 identical looking golf balls there is one that is defective in weight. It is either heavier or lighter than the standard one. You have a balance. You can only weigh 3 times to find out which one is defective and whether it is heavier or lighter.
Makayla had $1.19 in change. None of the coins was a dollar. Nicole ask her for change for a dollar, but Makayla could not make change. What coins did she have?
There is a family party consisting of two fathers, two mothers, two sons, one father-in-law, one mother-in-law, one daughter-in-law, one grandfather, one grandmother and one grandson. What is the minimum number of persons required so that this is possible?
In the town called Alibaug, the following facts are true: ? No two inhabitants have exactly the same number of hairs. ? No inhabitants has exactly 2025 hairs. ? There are more inhabitants than there are hairs on the head of any one inhabitants. What is the largest possible number of the inhabitants of Alibaug?
A number of 9 digits has the following properties: ? The number comprising the leftmost two digits is divisible by 2, that comprising the leftmost three digits is divisible by 3, the leftmost four by 4, the leftmost five by 5, and so on for the nine digits of the number i.e. the number formed from the first n digits is divisible by n, 2<=n<=9. ? Each digit in the number is different i.e. no digits are repeated. ? The digit 0 does not occur in the number i.e. it is comprised only of the digits 1-9 in some order. Find the number.
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