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Questions / { ravi }
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what is test plan and test stategy and also differnce bet them?


5 Manual Testing 8605

how to implement locking in sql server


3 SQL Server 7997

What are estimations? How do you estimate?

3 QA Concepts 4636

How do you start Selenium RC?

2 Automation Testing AllOther 4387

How do you connect Data base from selenium

1 Automation Testing AllOther 3532

How do you select the 2nd item in a List box or drop down through selenium RC (Java)

2 Automation Testing AllOther 8437

Suppose an application is on desktop, when you tries to open an application with Internet Explorer which is not launching. How do you debug or possibilities to overcome above problem?


1 Manual Testing 6652

write the maximum possibilities test scenarios/ test cases for Google home page - Screen has following: Google Text field, Buttons are - "Google Search" and "I'm Feeling Lucky".


2 Manual Testing 31279

Write a program for Sum of the digits for a given number Ex: suppose user entered Number is 1214, It should calculate the above number like 1+2+1+4 = 8


2 J2EE 6711

Write a program to display numeric value in reverse order. Ex: I have given a number like 7584, It should display in reverse order like 4857.

6 J2EE 7751

write a program, when a statement is entered, it should display in reverse order. Ex: Statement is "I am writing program in reverse order". Output should be like "order reverse in program writing am I".

4 J2EE 10151

Answers / { ravi }

Question { Siemens, 15502 }

Tell me the scenario where sevirity Low and Priority High?


Spell mistakes are low severity bcoz it does not have
impact on applicationbut will treated high priority at the
time of presentation.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

Question { IBM, 11246 }

diff between water fall model and v-model?


water fall model is most expensive model.in this model,
each phase has to be freezed to move to next phase

V model is mapping between development and testing process.
here both team involves simultanious .
main benefit is we can reduce the test design time and also
more flexibilty.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 1 No

Question { Covansys, 8572 }

Suppose one functionality appears in an application which
was not there in the requirements..so what u do as a tester?


this is ravi
call 9951123501

extra functionallites to removed otherwise it may have
unknown impact on the application.if not
removed,information is needed from designer and devlopers
for further testing..

ravi kumar

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 1 No

Question { KTS, 9467 }

what is use case diagram?



susmita is exactly..
let me show an example for welcome screen..

Actor Action System Response
1)Clicks on 1) System displays
Positions Available
2)Clicks on the Welcome back Screen
Agree & proceed> button
3)Clicks on 3)System displays an
button on the Alert message with
positions screen “OK” and “Cancel” buttons
4)Applicant clicks on ‘Cancel’ 4)System closes the alert
button popup and retains the
applicant on the same screen
5)Applicant clicks on ‘OK’ 5)System closes the
button on the alert popup application and the browser

in this manner, but it is a tbular format..

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

Question { Logica CMG, 35328 }

what is test condition?how do u rank a test condition?


mr srinivas

u said "High level functionality" of the application.
how can u say particularly these functionalities are high

what is difference bet., High level functionality and test
secnario? in what bases u make test condition?
can u plz explain me

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 9 No

Question { TCS, 40927 }

what is the output of the query select * from emp where 1=2


it retrives on coulmn names ie., does not show any records..

Is This Answer Correct ?    33 Yes 8 No

Question { Deloitte, 26648 }

What are the Level of Severity


tulasi ravi 9951123501

mostly it depends on the bug track tools..
for us like
show stopper,

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 0 No

Question { 27274 }

wat will be the sql query to extract only last 3 records
from table supose table hving thousands for records


hi this is tulasi ravi
id - ravi106109@gmail.com

select empno,sal from emp where rowid in
(select rowid from emp
select rowid from emp where rownum<=(
select count(*)-3 from emp))

feel free to mail queries,,,.....

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 5 No

Question { 27274 }

wat will be the sql query to extract only last 3 records
from table supose table hving thousands for records


hi this is tulasi ravi
id - ravi106109@gmail.com

select * from emp where rowid in
(select rowid from emp
select rowid from emp where rownum<=(
select count(*)-3 from emp))

feel free to mail queries,,,.....

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 3 No

Question { 14620 }

Hi Guys,
I have Cleared with 5 rounds with one company, i also
faced an interview for client round, Can any body tel ,
aftr client round ,wil any body reject a candidate?
Hello, y no response for my question.



cliente round is very important b'coz client has to decide
according to ur discussion.so be cool.
i hope u may get +ive response.. all the best kavitha

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 2 No

Question { AZTEC, 18020 }

What r the checklist to review testcase?


Farzana is correct and mainly we concentrate on BD
document , bussiness rules, and use cases. if possible we
can look previous projects also.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 1 No

Question { Deloitte, 14196 }

what we have to do if the application has some additional
functionality which is not
specified as part of functional spec.(but is useful.. may b
Do we consider it as a defect?


our basicaly testing means to meet Bussiness requirements.
Additional functionalities has to remove or rise issue in
BTT. otherwise it may have unknown effect on depended
functionalities.if not removed, Desingers & Programmers
information is needed.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 1 No

Question { IBM, 27781 }

can anybody tell us, how to select 2nd max salary from
my id is ashish.akk@gmail.com


my id is ravi106109@gmail.com

select sal from emp a
where 1=(select count(b.sal) from emp b
where a.sal
and also dileep is write

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 3 No

Question { IBM, 48357 }

how to retrive only second row from table?


hi this tulasi .....+91-9951123501
in SQL Server 2000 we write as...
declare CurTemp scroll cursor for
select top 2 * from
open CurTemp
fetch last from CurTemp
close CurTemp
deallocate CurTemp;

in ORACLE , we can write as..

select * fom
where rowid=(select rowid from where rownum<=2
select rowid from
where rownum<2;

so try it ...

Is This Answer Correct ?    17 Yes 5 No

Question { Wipro, 8053 }

what are the parameters u apply for doing functional testing?


in functional testing:

we validate each and every functionality in terms of
changes in objects properties,
calculation domain,
correctness of output,
input domain coverage,
order of functionalities,

we test above domains with BVA and negative secnario.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

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